11º Paste the "steam_api.dll" file that you backup, to the unpacked game folder.9º Paste the Autopack 1.85 "Ferrari Red Pack Total Overhaul" to the unpacked game folder ( Download here ) or ( Use the forum ).8º Paste the Autopack 1.8 "Ferrari Red Pack" to the unpacked game folder ( Download here ) or ( Use the forum ).7º Unpack the game, you can use any folder that you want ( Use the forum ).6º Go in the game installation directory from Steam and backup the "steam_api.dll" file.You can use the files, but is not recommended from TDU World.Unpacked Version - Recommended (for better experience) Note: The strikes on the autopacks are, because that they require the unofficial 0.4 patch, to run properly, using the patch or the autopacks, it may give problems to the gameplay, like glitches and instability. Happy gaming :) (Steam Achievements and Overlay will work).13.1º In game use your TDU World account to play.13º Run the game (you can use the Steam to run and do PLAY in the launcher).12º If you want to recover some GB´s from the HDD, Copy all the files from the unpacked game folder, go to the Steam game directory, delete all the original files from the normal version and paste the unpacked game files in the same place (do not use Steam to uninstall the game, you only going to replace the game folder).

Unpacked Version - Recommended (for better experience)